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¿Is The Suspension Training (TRX) Used to Burn Fat?

New training programs and trends in the world of fitness are constantly being born. What needs to be considered is that, although they have different names and various routines, they basically have the same primary goal: to develop more efficient ways to obtain health and fitness benefits through exercise.

One of the most recent examples is the total resistance exercise system (TRX), which has a rather peculiar origin. According to the official site, this method of training was born from the need of Randy Hetrick and his companions, Navy SEALs, to stay in shape without access to conventional equipment for exercising.

Hetrick was on a mission in Asia and faced the challenge of wanting to train without a proper place. So, as he tells it in an interview for men's Health, looking in his backpack he discovered a jiujitsu belt. He made a knot at one end and anchored it to the door, to make a paddle variation to a single arm. Later, through the use of nylon belts, he designed a more complex system with which he could finally perform dominated, curls, train the core (central part of the body) and legs (all only with his body weight).

¿What are the advantages of training with TRX?

Suspension training develops functional strength, improves the flexibility, balance and stability of the core.

Michael Boyle, founder of Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning and author of ' New Functional training for Sports ', highlights that one of the advantages of TRX is that it is an easily scalable training program for any level of fitness.

Another advantage of the TRX system is that it is lightweight, portable and easy to install. This allows you to train in "any place" in the most equipped gym, or a hotel during a business trip.

¿Will it help you lose fat?

According to the official site, the answer is positive; Unlike the traditional training team, the TRX system defies your entire body in different planes, creating a huge metabolic effect and helping you build a toned and fat-free body.

¿Should you train with TRX?

Despite all the advantages we have listed, to have a quality training, it is necessary to consult with a fitness specialist to know if the suspension training is the right one for you.


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